About Data / Reporting Module
The Data / Reporting module consists of the following functions, as detailed below:
- Documents function.
- Reports function.
- Names function.
If you have the relevant permissions, the Documents function enables you to search for and view documents held within your system, and add documents to individuals' records. Typically, these documents are PDF files, but 3sysACADEMIC can display other types of documents, if the user has the relevant software installed on their client machine.
Your System Administrator is likely to restrict the availability of this function to specific users only. For example, documents could include a letter sent to a parent regarding overdue fees. It is unlikely that this type of document would be relevant for teachers, whereas your school's billing/accounts staff would need to have access to this type of document.
Note: The accessibility of the Documents function is controlled by profile settings configured within 3sysACADEMIC AND the note category security model as configured within schoolADMIN (PASS).
The Reports function enables those users with the relevant permissions, such as a System Administrator, to view a list of Report Builder reports as available within schoolADMIN (PASS), and to view, edit and run them. If you have the permissions to run a Report Builder report within schoolADMIN (PASS), then you will have the permission to run the report within 3sysACADEMIC. You are also able to add reports to your Favourite Reports list, as available on your home page if the necessary widget has been configured.
Note: If you are unable to view, edit or run reports, and you expect to be able to do so, please contact your System Administrator.
Note: As the System Administrator with access to reports, if you want to make a specific report available to a particular user, you can impersonate that user (via Setup), and make a report a favourite for that user. The 'favourite' report is then available for that user in their Favourite Reports widget on their home page (if the home page has been set up appropriately for this user). This enables you to make specific Report Builder reports available to specific users without the need to alter permissions.
The Names function enables you to search for individual records held within your database, including people and organisation records, such as suppliers. Using 3sysACADEMIC views you are able to search for and view records. You are also able to add notes to individual records, and add pupil documents to pupil records.